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Yukutake, T. and Y. Yokoyama, Types of liquid core motions compatible with the observed geomagnetic
secular variations of several hundred years, in Structure and Dynamics of Earth's Deep Interior
edited by D. E. Smylie and R. Hide, American Geophysical Union, Washington, 1988.
Yokoyama, Y. and T. Yukutake, Calculation of induced modes of magnetic field in the geodynamo problem,
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 41, No. 4, 421-442, 1989.
Yokoyama, Y. and T. Yukutake, Three processes of inducing the steady poloidal field in the earth's core,
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 42, No. 2, 93-108, 1990.
横山 由紀子・須田 直樹, 地球中心核の構造, 科学, 60, No. 10, 岩波出版, 1990.
Yokoyama, Y. and T. Yukutake, Sixty years variation in a time series of the geomagnetic Gauss coefficients
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横山 由紀子, 核-マントル結合の研究の現状, Cetral Core of the Earth, 1, 363-366, 1991.
Yokoyama, Y. and T. Yukutake, The sixty year variation in the rate of rotation of the Earth and the geomagnetic
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横山 由紀子, 地磁気と地球回転に見られる数十年変動, Cetral Core of the Earth, 2, 187-192, 1992.
横山 由紀子・浜野 洋三, 様々な現象に見られる数十年変動, リズムと縞縞II, 22-25, 1992.
Yokoyama, Y. and T. Yukutake, A model of geomagnetic sixty year variation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 98,
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Yokoyama, Y., Thirty year variations in the earth rotation and the geomagnetic Gauss coefficients, Geophysical
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横山 由紀子, 地球の数十年変動, 月刊地球, Vol. 15, No. 1, 19-23, 1993.
横山 由紀子, 地球磁場数十年変動の特徴, 月刊地球, 号外, No. 17, 77-84, 1997.
Yokoyama, Y. and T. Yamazaki, Geomagnetic paleointensity variation with a 100 kyr quasiperiod, Earth Planet. Sci.
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- Yokoyama, Y. and T. Yamazaki, and H. Oda, Geomagnetic 100-kyr variation
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Mikami, N., M. Kobayashi, and Y. Yokoyama, A new DSP-oriented algorithm for calculation of square root using a
nonlinear digital filter, IEEE, transactions on signal processing, 40, No. 7, 1663-1669, 1992.
横山 由紀子・東 秀幸・浜野 洋三・三上 直樹, 地磁気1時間平均値を用いての球関数展開の試みと問題点, Cetral
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望月 英二・横山 由紀子, 非一様観測点による球面調和解析, Cetral Core of the Earth, 2, 159-166, 1992.
Mikami, N., M. Kobayashi, and Y. Yokoyama, Roundoff-error reduction for evaluation of a function by polynomial
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横山 由紀子・熊沢 峰夫・今西 祐一・三上 直樹, 非斉次ARモデルを用いた離散過程の解析法について, 第7回ディジタル
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Mochizuki, E. and Y. Yokoyama, Spherical harmonic analysis in terms of unevenly distributed observation points,
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 49, No. 8, 1013-1033, 1997.
Yokoyama, Y., M. Kumazawa, Y. Imanishi, and N. Mikami, A new method of non-stationary time series analysis based
on inhomogeneous AR equation, IEEE, transactions on signal processing, 45, No. 8, 2130-2136, 1997.
横山 由紀子・熊沢 峰夫・三上 直樹, 未知の基底を持つ非斉次ARモデルのパラメータ推定法, 第13回ディジタル信号処理
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Yokoyama, Y., M. Kumazawa, N. Mikami, Parameter estimation of inhomogeneous AR model expanded with unknown basis,
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横山 由紀子・三上 直樹・熊沢 峰夫, 励起存否法の2次元化, 第14回ディジタル信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集, 499-502, 1999.
Yokoyama, Y., M. Kumazawa, N. Mikami, Estimation of the AR order of an inhomogeneous AR model with input expanded
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横山 由紀子, 情報量基準を使用しない AR オーダの推定法, 第15回ディジタル信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集, 197-202, 2000.
- Yokoyama, Y., Excitation Sompi method and its application to an analysis of the Earth's polar motion, Geophys.
J. Int., 150, 467-482, 2002.
Yukutake, T., Y Murakami, I. Nakagawa, Y. Yokoyama, and Y. Hamano, Resistivity anomalies of Izu-Oshima volcano
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Sasai, Y., T. Shimomura, Y. Hamano, H. Utada, T. Yoshino, S. Koyama, Y. Ishikawa, I. Nakagawa, Y. Yokoyama, M.
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Volcanomagnetic effect observed during the 1986 eruption of Izu-Oshima volcano, Journal of Geomagnetism and
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Hamano, Y., and H. Utada, T. Shimomura, Y. Tanaka, Y. Sasai, I. Nakagawa, Y. Yokoyama, M. Ohno, T. Yoshino, S.
Koyama, T. Yukutake, and H. Watanabe, Geomagnetic variations observed after the 1986 eruption of Izu-Oshima
Volcano, Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 42, No. 3, 319-335, 1990.
横山由紀子・熊沢峰夫・國友孝洋・中島祟裕, 精密に制御された電磁波を用いた3次元精密構造探査のためのディジタル
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中島崇裕・國友孝洋・熊澤峰夫・横山由紀子, 電磁アクロスの開発と送信実験, 地震研究所彙報, 75, 229-244, 2000.
Yokoyama, Y., M. Kumazawa, T. Nakajima, Transfer function measured by electromagnetic sounding with an
accurately contorolled signal, Earth Planets Space, 54, 459-472, 2002.
横山由紀子・松岡彩子・磁力計サブワーキンググループ, 3成分磁力計による自動測定のためのアルゴリズムと
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